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阳立高1,2,邬佩云1,韩峰3 (1. 长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 410076 2. 长沙理工大学 产业高质量发展研究院湖南 长沙 4100763. 南京审计大学 经济学院江苏 南京 211815) 
中文关键词:数字产业  制造业  协同集聚  绿色创新
Research on the Impact of Collaborative Agglomeration of Digital Industry and Manufacturing Industry on Green Innovation of Enterprises
Abstract:Based on Marshall's theory of agglomeration economy, combining the E-G index method and China's industrial enterprise data and urban panel data to measure the indicators of collaborative agglomeration of digital industry and manufacturing industry, and using the number of green patents of enterprises to characterize the level of green innovation of enterprises, and applying the fixed effect model to consider the impact of collaborative agglomeration of digital industry and manufacturing industry on the green innovation of enterprises, we find that collaborative agglomeration of digital industry and manufacturing industry can promote the green innovation of enterprises through the mechanisms of human capital externalities, knowledge spillover effect mechanism to promote enterprise green innovation, but the mechanism of economies of scale effect does not hold, and the result is still robust after replacing the core variable indicators, considering the extreme values, replacing the fixed effects and endogeneity issues. In view of this, policy measures to promote the greening of enterprises are proposed.
keywords:digital industry  manufacturing industry  cooperative agglomeration  green innovation
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