财务报告问询函对会计稳健性的影响 ——直接效应与溢出效应
投稿时间:2021-11-02  修订日期:2022-01-17  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 738
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翟淑萍 天津财经大学会计学院 300222
缪晴* 天津财经大学会计学院 300222
甦叶 天津财经大学会计学院 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“交易所问询监管的影响因素及治理效应——基于财务报告问询函的证据”(71972140)) (主持人:翟淑萍);天津市会计学会2021-2022年度重点会计科研项目(Y210606)
中文关键词:财务报告问询函  会计稳健性  直接效应  联结关系  溢出效应
The Influence of Financial Report Inquiry Letter on Accounting Conservatism -- Direct Effects and Spillover Effects
Abstract:Based on the perspective of non punitive supervision, This paper examines the direct impact of financial inquiry letters on the accounting conservatism of receiving firms, and the indirect impact of accounting conservatism of related firms, i.e. spillover effect. The results show that the financial inquiry can improve the accounting conservatism of the receiving company (also known as the "sending company"), and have a positive regulatory effect on the accounting conservatism of the listed companies (referred to as "receiving companies") that have auditor linkage and executive linkage relationship with the receiving companies. Further study found that formal system and informal system heterogeneity leads to inquiry letter of differences in regulatory effect, namely the exchange regulation is stronger and better social trust environment, inquiry letter to send the telecommunications company and the coupling relationship between the existence of auditor company accounting robustness effect more apparent, but executives of the coupling relationship between company accounting robustness effect was not significant difference. These findings not only enrich the research on the economic consequences of financial report inquiry letters, but also provide evidence support for the effectiveness of financial report inquiry letters in corporate governance.
keywords:Financial Report Inquiry Letter  Accounting Conservatism  Direct Effects  Connection Relation  Spillover Effects
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