投稿时间:2021-10-19  修订日期:2022-03-03  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 799
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王善平 湖南师范大学商学院 4100081
周钰* 湖南师范大学商学院 410081
中文关键词:地方政府债务风险  官员政绩压力  政府审计
Government audit, official performance pressure and local debt risk: A case study of the former poor areas in H Province
Abstract:Based on the theory that government audit is the immune system to govern government agency problems, and with the government debt data of former poor areas in H province from 2015 to 2018 as samples, this paper empirically examines the impact of official performance pressure on local debt risk and the governance role of government audit. The results show that: the performance pressure of officials is significantly positively correlated with local debt risk, and government audit can help restrain the impact of performance pressure of officials on local debt risk, and its function of revealing and preventing is significant, but its function of resisting is not significant, the possible reason is that the debt behavior of local officials has not been effectively controlled. In view of this, some policy suggestions are put forward, such as constructing "number-wise audit", systematically improving the performance appraisal system of officials and strengthening the dynamic management of financial leverage.
keywords:Local government debt risk  Official performance pressure  The government audit
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