投稿时间:2018-09-25  修订日期:2018-09-25  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1249
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魏勇强* 山西财经大学 030006
中文关键词:企业储蓄率  企业利润  美国  海外利润  金融业
A discussion on the domestic and international factors of the change of US business saving rate in recent years
Abstract:from 1991 to 2016, the US business saving rate maintains stable and even increases to some degree. The direct factor is the increase of undistributed corporate profits. Yet the basic reason is that the US corporate profits especially those come from the increase of profits of oveaseas and financial sector rise in recent years.. All these are greatly affected by the US domestic factors as well as international factors. In recent years, the domestic factors such as the relaxation of US economic regulations, mergers of large international financial group and the rise of hedge funds, make the foundation for the rise of US overseas and financial profits. From the international perpectives, the economic dialougue power owned by the US, the economic agents educated and trained by the US, and the international economic organizations larged controlled by the US, facilitate the expansion of US corporations in the world.
keywords:business saving rate  corporate profit  the U.S.  overseas profit  financial industry
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