批发融资会增强商业银行的杠杆顺周期性吗? ——基于140家商业银行的实证研究
投稿时间:2018-08-25  修订日期:2018-08-25  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 933
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周晔* 首都经济贸易大学 100070
中文关键词:顺周期性 杠杆率 批发融资
Does Wholesale Funding Alleviate the Leverage Procyclicality of Commercial Bank? ——Based on Analysis of 140 Commercial Banks
Abstract:The empirical based on panel data of 140 commercial banks in China from 2006 to 2016 shows that the leverage change of commercial banks has obvious pro-cyclical behavior, but wholesale funding can alleviate the leverage procyclicality of commercial banks to some extent, and even make leverage ratio present countercyclical effect. The slow-release effect of wholesale funding on leverage procyclicality is significant when the scale of assets is small, the proportion of wholesale funding is relatively high and the level of leverage is low. The study also found that the anti-cyclical slow-release strategy was effectively controlled by the 2014 policy of controlling interbank business, while the leverage of commercial banks increased in a pro-cyclical manner.
keywords:Procyclicality  Leverage  Wholesale funding
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