投稿时间:2017-11-27  修订日期:2017-11-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 8
张军伟* 上海财经大学财经研究所 200433
张锦华 上海财经大学财经研究所 
吴方卫 上海财经大学财经研究所 
中文关键词:施用强度 影响因素 政策诉求 逆向选择
Based on the damage - abatement model in our country the economic analysis of pesticides in agricultural production behavior
Abstract:Pesticides in recent years, become the indispensable factors of production in food production, but the excessive use of pesticides has larger negative externality, for applying pesticide content reduce become one of the important content of the government and academic thinking. Through the establishment of damage - abatement production function model, this paper analyzes the main factors influencing the food and agriculture pesticides; Use of Shanghai university of finance and research the data of 2011 thousand village empirically the food production process of various elements affect the behavior of pesticides. Research has shown that grain sales price, yield, grain yield accounted for the proportion of total revenue for a significant role in promoting the application of pesticide; Insurance of agricultural production, grain subsidies, agricultural technical personnel's propaganda and guidance, the farmers' cultural degree, grain planting motivation for the abuse of pesticide has inhibitory effect. High strength pesticides' food and agriculture demands of technical guidance relative to the low intensity use pesticides' food and agriculture demands for technical guidance on the low side, this kind of adverse selection to further increase the difficulty of pesticides governance.
keywords:Application strength, influence factor, Policy appeals, Adverse selection
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