良性通缩还是恶性通缩? ——基于2011年以来通胀水平下行的原因分析
投稿时间:2016-12-27  修订日期:2017-03-14  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1439
全文下载次数: 2
张启迪* 中央财经大学 北京市西城区金融大街4号金益大厦6层
中文关键词:通货紧缩  产出缺口  全要素生产率  国际大宗商品价格
Benign Deflation or Malign Deflation?Based on the Analysis of the Causes of Downward Inflation since 2011
Abstract: In this paper, deflation is divided into benign deflation and malign deflation according to the influence of deflation on economic growth and the impact mechanisms of the two deflations on the economy are studied under the framework of New Keynesianism. It proves that the government should actively intervene in malign deflation and should not interfere in benign deflation. This paper also examines the determinants of China’s inflation and the reason of the downward of inflation in recent years, the results show that in the medium and long term, the five factors that determine the level of inflation in China are the output gap, total factor productivity, monetary factor, trade factor and international commodity prices. The decline of inflation in recent years is mainly due to international commodity prices, followed by economic downturn factors. It means that the current round of downward inflation is dominated by benign deflation and is supplemented by malign deflation. Therefore, the low inflation level should be moderately accepted and should not be significantly interfered just for the price level.
keywords:deflation  output gap  total factor productivity  international commodity price
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