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姚舜宇,彭莉 (厦门大学 台湾研究院福建 厦门 361005) 
中文关键词:数据驱动  数据流通  反垄断规制  市场壁垒
Discussion on the Basis of Antitrust Laws Governing Data Circulation Restrictions
Abstract:Giant Internet platforms, by building platform ecosystems, use network effects, economies of scale, and barriers to data acquisition to increase control over data circulation channels, squeeze competitors’ living space, and ultimately gain market power in the consumer and advertiser markets. The EU’s “adequacy recognition” rules objectively limit the scope of data circulation, at the expense of the competitive space of Internet SMEs, and provide favorable objective conditions for giant Internet platforms to implement data-related monopoly behaviors. Therefore, the data circulation restriction status caused by operators should become the normative premise for the antitrust law to adjust data-related monopoly behaviors.
keywords:data-driven  data flow  anti-monopoly regulation  market barriers
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