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王欢芳,张博佳,刘奎兵,向飞云 (湖南工业大学 经济与管理学院湖南 株洲 412007) 
中文关键词:先进制造业  产业链现代化  空间差异  社会网络分析
Research on Spatial Difference and Spatial Correlation of Advanced Manufacturing Industry Chain Modernization Level
Abstract:Based on the inter-provincial panel data of China’s advanced manufacturing industry from 2012 to 2021, the entropy weighted Topsis method was used to measure the modernization level of the industrial chain of advanced manufacturing industry, and the spatial differences and spatial correlation characteristics of the modernization level of the industrial chain of China’s advanced manufacturing industry were explored by combining standard deviation ellipse method, Kernel density estimation method, Gini coefficient method and social network analysis method. The results show that the modernization level of China’s advanced manufacturing industry chain is on the rise in time and has a five-level gradient distribution of “high in the east and low in the west” in space. The center of gravity of the modernization level of the advanced manufacturing industry chain is shifting to the southwest, and there are polarization and tailing phenomena in the region. The overall network of the modernization level of the advanced manufacturing industry chain is becoming dense, and more and more provinces and cities are transforming from marginal regions to semi-marginal regions and central regions. In view of this, we should increase the input of advanced manufacturing resources, accelerate technological breakthroughs and achievements transformation, promote the autonomy and control of key technologies, and give play to the radiating role of core provinces and cities to promote the coordinated development of regional economy.
keywords:advanced manufacturing  modernization of the industrial chain  spatial differentiation  spatial correlation effect
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