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符纯洁,王玮,张倩,罗洋 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:建言行为  后续建言行为  高参与人力资源实践  建言效能感  情感承诺
Research on the Mechanism of Employees’ Previous Voice Behavior Influencing Subsequent Voice Behavior
Abstract:Based on the self-regulation theory and the cognitive-emotional dual system theory,and using a situational experiment and a questionnaire survey, this study explores the process mechanism of generating subsequent voice behavior based on employees’ previous voice behavior. The results indicate that when employees perceive a higher level of high-involvement human resource practices (HI-HRP) in the organization, the higher the previous voice induced higher voice efficacy and affective commitment, which in turn facilitated the subsequent voice behavior. When employees’ perceived HI-HRP levels are low, their previous voice reduce subsequent voice efficacy, which in turn inhibited subsequent voice behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the pertinence of the whole process guidance of employee voice behavior, focus on building the high-involvement human resource practices, and enhance employees’ positive experience of voice behavior.
keywords:voice behavior  subsequent voice behavior  high-involvement human resource practices  voice efficacy  affective commitment
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