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柯萌 (同济大学 马克思主义学院上海 200092) 
中文关键词:平台资本  数字劳动  主体性发展悖论
The Paradox of Workers’ Subjectivity under the Manipulation of Platform Capital and Its Response
Abstract:Platform capital promotes the widespread application of digital production, brings about a rapid increase in labor efficiency and productivity, and creates a vast space and abundant material wealth for human freedom. However, under the manipulation of the logic of identity in platform capital, the subjectivity of workers is caught in the paradox of freedom and alienation: they can flexibly arrange labor time and workplaces, but are subject to all-around digital regulation; they have career choices, yet face a lack of rights and interests under unstable labor relations; even when they gain self-identity in the creative digital labor, they may still fall into a heavy sense of deprivation under the manipulation of the meritocratic platform enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the employment relationship, and improve the rights and interests protection system of platform workers, strengthen the precise governance of algorithms, and build a rational mechanism for sharing data to open up a new way to enhance the subjectivity.
keywords:platform capital  digital labor  the paradox of subjectivity
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