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文艺 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:新型城镇化  合理城镇化水平  城乡一体化  中国式现代化
The Reasonable Balance and Implementation Path of New Urbanization in China
Abstract:Urbanization is embodied in the transfer of rural surplus labor to urban areas. The urban and rural equilibrium of labor productivity and average labor income fundamentally determines the reasonable urbanization rate. Based on the rural-urban migration model and the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the reasonable urbanization rate of China is about 84% according to the adjusted rural-urban income equilibrium condition, which is roughly equivalent to the medium level of countries that have completed the urbanization process. According to the analysis of the law of urbanization integrated in the process of economic development, China can basically complete the process of urbanization by the middle of the 21st century. In essence, the new type of urbanization requires the adaptation and matching of urbanization and economic development stages. We should strive to promote the development of urban and rural industries, and employment and income equilibrium, improve urban and rural public infrastructure and public services, optimize the urban spatial distribution system, strengthen the construction of a livable environment and the protection of urban culture, and promote a people-centered new type of urbanization.
keywords:new urbanization  reasonable level of urbanization  urban-rural integration  Chinese-type modernization
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