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于新亮1,刘金铭2,石玉建3,梁馨月3 (1.山东财经大学 保险学院山东 济南 250014
2.湖南大学 公共管理学院
湖南 长沙 4100823.山东省医疗保险事业中心山东 济南 250014) 
中文关键词:长期护理保险  女性就业结构  多时点双重差分模型
The Influence of Long-Term Care Insurance on Female Employment Polarization: Based on Time-Varying DID Model
Abstract:Using the data of the China Migrants Dynamic Survey(CMDS) from 2011 to 2018, the time-varying difference-in-differences model was constructed to assess the impact of long-term care insurance on the employment structure of female labor force. The results showed that, compared with the middle-skilled female labor force, long-term care insurance significantly increased the wage level of the high-skilled and low-skilled female labor force by 14.15 and 7.37 percentage points. Respectively, thus promoting a two-way employment polarization of the female labor market. This polarization phenomenon also exists in the level of employment and working hours, and is more obvious in cities with relatively backward economic development level and weak traditional cultural atmosphere. In view of this, in the process of promoting long-term care insurance, it is necessary to enhance the professional skills of female nursing practitioners, effectively improve their adaptability to industrial changes, and explore the development of more practical traditional cultural concepts and elderly care models needed by disabled families.
keywords:long-term care insurance  female employment structure  time-varying DID model
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