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朱铭来,康琢 (南开大学 金融学院天津 300350) 
中文关键词:长期护理保险  养老服务体系  经济增长  多时点双重差分
Economic Growth Effects of Long-Term Care Insurance Embedded in Elderly Care Service System: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence
Abstract:By constructing an overlapping generation model that includes long-term care insurance embedded in the elderly care service system,and based on panel data of Chinese cities from 2012 to 2020,a time-varying DID model is used to examine the economic growth effects of long-term care insurance.The results show that long-term care insurance can significantly improve the level of regional economic development,and this economic growth effect is mainly achieved by promoting labor supply;Expanding the coverage of long-term care insurance and increasing regional linkage can have a stronger economic growth effect.In view of this,it is necessary to further expand the coverage and pilot areas of long-term care insurance,strengthen inter-regional interaction,improve the elderly care service system,and promote high-quality development of the industry.
keywords:long-term care insurance  elderly care service system  economic growth  time-varying DID
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