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顾海峰,周祉晴 (东华大学 旭日工商管理学院上海 200051) 
中文关键词:货币政策不确定性  银行信贷期限  银行风险承担  宏观审慎政策  跨境资本流动
Monetary Policy Uncertainty, Risk-Taking and Bank Credit Term
Abstract:Based on the micro data of Chinese commercial banks, a panel regression model is constructed to investigate the impact of monetary policy uncertainty on bank credit term and its mechanism. The results show that monetary policy uncertainty has a narrowing effect on bank credit term. Monetary policy uncertainty increases risk-taking, prompting banks to be more inclined to short-term credit allocation decisions, resulting in the effect of credit term reduction, and the transmission channel of “monetary policy uncertainty-risk-taking-bank credit term” is effective. In addition, macro-prudential policy, cross-border capital flows, and banking prosperity can negatively adjust the effect of credit maturity reduction caused by monetary policy uncertainty. Based on this, in order to prevent and control the systemic risk of the banking industry in the time dimension characterized by credit term, it is necessary to establish and improve a two-pillar policy framework where monetary policy and macro-prudential policy are coordinated and regulated, optimize the timing of cross-border capital opening, and construct a bankers’ optimism monitoring mechanism based on the monetary policy sentiment index.
keywords:monetary policy uncertainty  bank credit term  bank’s risk-taking  macro-prudential policy  cross-border capital flow
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