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易宣辰1,金友良2 (1.湖南工业职业技术学院 经济管理学院湖南 长沙 410208 2.中南大学 商学院湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:智慧交通  经济绿色增长  系统GMM模型
Research on the Impact of Smart Transportation on Green Economic Growth
Abstract:This study is based on the theoretical framework of smart transportation and green economic growth, using the System Generalized Moment Estimation (SYS-GMM) model as an analytical tool. Based on panel data from 30 provinces in China, the potential impact and mechanism of smart transportation on green economic growth are deeply explored. The results indicate that smart transportation has a significant promoting effect on green economic growth, and this effect exhibits significant regional heterogeneity. In addition, among the six sub-dimensions of smart transportation, the improvement of transportation infrastructure has a particularly prominent impact on green economic growth. Finally, smart transportation mainly affects green economic growth through three paths: reducing energy consumption, improving carbon emission efficiency, and promoting technological innovation.
keywords:smart transportation  green economic growth  system GMM model
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