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陈琳红1,许小苍2,杨皓然3 (1.重庆工商大学 马克思主义学院重庆 400067
2.湖州师范学院 经济管理学院浙江 湖州313000
3.重庆工商大学 长江上游经济研究中心重庆 400067) 
中文关键词:互联网可及性  灾难性健康支出  倾向得分匹配
The Impact of Internet Accessibility on Health Expenditure under the Goal of Common Prosperity
Abstract:Based on the matching and classification processing of adult and household data in CFPS database, the two-part model and propensity score matching were used to study the impact of Internet accessibility on the absolute and relative amount of health expenditure, and to explore the blocking effect of Internet accessibility on the potential risk of returning to poverty due to illness in the process of common prosperity. The study found that although Internet access led to an increase in the absolute amount of health expenditure, it also significantly reduced the incidence of catastrophic health expenditure, and had a certain blocking effect on the potential risk of returning to poverty due to illness. Heterogeneity analysis shows that the frequency of Internet use has a greater impact on the health expenditure of rural residents and low-income groups. In view of this, policies such as strengthening Internet infrastructure should be adopted to guide rural residents and low-income groups to make more effective use of medical resources and block their potential risk of returning to poverty due to illness.
keywords:internet accessibility  catastrophic health expenditure  propensity score matching
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