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刘建江1,程杰1,杨琴2,罗双成3 (1.长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 4100762.邵阳学院 经济与管理学院湖南 邵阳 4220003.湖南农业大学 经济学院湖南 长沙 410125) 
中文关键词:产业政策  双重差分法  数字化转型
How Industrial Policies Can Promote Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Firms: Connotation Shift and Policy Evaluation
Abstract:Based on the theory of industrial policy and the panel data of listed companies from 2012 to 2021, the impact of the 13th Five-Year Plan on the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises is examined. The results show that the industrial policy promotes the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises through the innovation-driven mechanism and resource allocation mechanism; the heterogeneity analysis shows that it is more effective in the eastern coastal areas and technology-intensive manufacturing areas. In view of this, the strategy of digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises should be actively pursued, the accuracy and effectiveness of the policy of digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises should be improved, and resource support should be increased to further promote the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises.
keywords:industrial policy  difference-in-difference  digital transformation
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