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贺正楚,李玉洁,白明君,潘为华 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:数字化赋能  数智化创新生态系统  服务型核心企业  华为汽车
The Construction of a Logarithmic Intelligent Innovation Ecosystem in Core Enterprises: A Case Study of Huawei Automotive
Abstract:As a service-oriented core enterprise, Huawei Automotive provides intelligent automotive solutions that integrate digitalization and intelligence for automotive manufacturing enterprises, and leads innovative entities to build a digital and intelligent innovation ecosystem. Using a single case study method based on grounded theory, analyze the construction mechanism and path of the logarithmic intelligent innovation ecosystem. Research has found that environmental support, factor empowerment, dynamic evolution and system formation have become the four core categories for core enterprises to build a digital innovation ecosystem. Core enterprises construct a digital innovation ecosystem along the dynamic path of “environmental support → factor empowerment → dynamic evolution → system formation”. The practical inspiration of Huawei’s automotive case is that if service-oriented core enterprises have the advantages of digitization and intelligence, they can also build a digital innovation ecosystem. The construction of the system is a dynamic formation process, and it is necessary to simulate the feasible path of system construction; Emphasize the key role of digital elements and digital empowerment in the digital innovation ecosystem.
keywords:digital empowerment  digital innovation ecosystem  service oriented core enterprises  Huawei Automotive
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