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薛嘉树1,万晓萌2,王莉3 (1.中国财政科学研究院 研究生院北京 1001422.中国农业科学院 农业信息研究所北京 1000813.湖南城市学院 管理学院湖南 益阳 413000) 
中文关键词:农业直接补贴  农民主体性  乡村振兴
Can Agricultural Direct Subsidy Activate the Subjectivity of Farmers?—Empirical Analysis Based on Survey Data from Hunan and Hubei Provinces
Abstract:Based on the theory of incentive compatibility and marginal reward theory, and according to the survey data of Hunan and Hubei provinces in 2023, we analyzes whether the agricultural direct subsidy policy can activate the farmers’ subjectivity. The results show a decreasing trend of marginal benefit between the income-increasing effect of agricultural direct subsidies and the improvement of farmers’ subjectivity. Agricultural direct subsidies on the low per capita annual income of households, small farmers to enhance the subjectivity more obvious, and better endowment conditions, especially farmers who have better capital endowment have another subjective activation mechanism. Given this, we should continue using agricultural direct subsidies to provide small and medium-sized farmers with an “income safety net” for survival and development. We suggest increasing agricultural direct subsidy projects or other preferential social welfare projects, increasing the attractiveness of agriculture and rural areas to large growers and potential urban farmers, combining regular quantitative calculations with policy objectives, and improving the efficiency of agriculture-related financial funds.
keywords:agricultural direct subsidies  farmers’ subjectivity  rural revitalization
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