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周建华,李美婷,李太创 (长沙理工大学 经济与管理学院湖南 长沙 410076) 
中文关键词:老年照料  农村劳动力转移  空间距离
The Study on the Impact of Elderly Care on the Spatial Distance of Rural Labor Force Transfer
Abstract:Based on the theory of labor transfer or mobility, the hypothesis of maximizing the overall interests of family members, this study uses an ordered probit model and data from the China Family Tracking Survey (CFPS) (2018) to examine the impact of elderly care on the spatial distance of rural labor transfer. Empirical findings:Elderly care has a promoting effect on short distance transfer within counties and villages, and has a restraining effect on transfer outside counties, cities, provinces, and provinces, with the restraining effect becoming more pronounced as the distance increases. Heterogeneity studies indicate :The effect of gender preference for close distance transfer on married women is not significant, the impact of caregiving pressure on male labor force includes two aspects: promoting effect and restraining effect. Elderly care has become an important factor in achieving close mobility of rural labor force. To further promote “human movement”, ought to collaborative governance the issues of labor force transfer and population aging.
keywords:elderly care  rural labor transfer  spatial distance
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