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曾祥飞,付晓萱,林钟高 (安徽工业大学 商学院 安徽 马鞍山 243002) 
中文关键词:供应商创新能力  客户创新能力  管理会计控制匹配  企业双元创新  模糊集定性比较分析
The Influence of Configuration Effect of Supply Chain Innovation Ability and Management Accounting Control Matching on Enterprise Dual Innovation
Abstract:This paper selects a sample of GEM manufacturing enterprises from 2012 to 2022, and uses text mining and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to explore how supply chain innovation ability and management accounting control matching achieve high-level dual innovation through different configuration modes. The results show that: Any positive single factor cannot constitute the necessary conditions for the realization of high enterprise dual innovation. Under the collaborative linkage, five configuration modes of high radical innovation or five configuration modes of high incremental innovation can achieve the effect of “reaching the same destination”. The three elements of supplier innovation ability, customer innovation ability and compensatory matching Ⅰappear as the core conditions, which can achieve the “double high” innovation effect. Compensatory matching I appears as a core condition in both high radical innovation and high incremental innovation. Compensatory matching I is more flexible in driving enterprise innovation and can drive high enterprise innovation.
keywords:supplier innovation ability  customer innovation ability  management accounting control matching  dual innovation of enterprises  qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets
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