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谢贞发,章蕾 (厦门大学 经济学院福建 厦门 361005) 
中文关键词:“亲清”政商关系  营商环境  企业纳税遵从度
On the Impact of the “Cordial and Clean” Relationship between Chinese Urban Government and Business on the Corporate Tax Compliance
Abstract:Using the health index of “cordial and clean” government-business relationship and its secondary and tertiary constituent indicators constructed by “the Ranking List of Chinese Urban Government-business Relationship” and the micro samples of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2017 to 2019, this paper empirically investigates the impact of the urban “cordial and clean” government-business relationship on corporate tax compliance. The results show that a healthier urban “cordial and clean” government-business relationship can help improve the tax compliance of enterprises. Especially for small-scale, low-profit, low-governance, and high-growth companies, and in the areas with high urban levels, the role of promotion is greater. The role of “cordial and clean” government-business relationship in improving corporate tax compliance mainly comes from the “cordial” aspect, and is mainly reflected in the government's concern for enterprises and public services. Therefore, it is recommended to fully attach importance to the construction of the “cordial and clean” government-business relationship for city government, focus on optimizing the “cordial” indicators, continue to enhance the concern for enterprises and improve the level of public services, create a market-oriented, fair and convenient business environment to better improve the corporate tax compliance.
keywords:“cordial and clean” government-business relationship  business environment  corporate tax compliance
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