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岳红举1,冯嘉鑫2 (1.河南大学 经济学院河南 开封 475004 2.河南大学 法学院河南 开封 475004) 
中文关键词:公共文化  财政事权与支出责任  府际协调
Intergovernmental Coordination in the Division of Financial Powers and Expenditure Responsibility for Public Culture
Abstract:The division of financial powers and expenditure responsibility for public culture among governments is the basic and pillar guarantee for the standardization and equalization of basic public cultural services, and the current reform of its division still exists with the co-existence of ambiguity and roughness in the sharing of government revenue, the co-existence of generalization and downward transfer in the sharing of expenditures, the co-existence of dominance and insufficient protection of financial resources and the reform of the division of the province has not yet been completed and other shortcomings. The reform of sub-provincial division pursues the goal of adjusting the financial relationship between the central government and local governments, which is “clear in terms of rights and responsibilities, coordination of financial resources, and regional balance”; however, the decentralization of financial resources between the central government and local governments is no substitute for the provincial government’s “overall responsibility” for the reform of the sub-provincial financial system and for the hierarchical responsibility of local governments at all levels. Intergovernmental coordination should adhere to the central government’s unified approach. Inter-governmental coordination should adhere to the unified leadership of the central government, implement provincial-level coordination and control functions within the provincial area, and implement the hierarchical responsibility of local governments, highlighting the local initiative of the “two initiatives”; maintain the compatibility of fiscal powers, expenditure responsibility and financial capacity in institutional coordination; implement the articulation of standardization and parity in institutional coordination; and emphasize dynamization and certainty in strategic coordination. The coordination of strategies emphasizes the appropriate balance between dynamism and certainty.
keywords:public cultural  financial authority and expenditure responsibility  intergovernmental coordination
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