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黄莹 (北京外国语大学 亚洲学院北京 100089) 
中文关键词:“一带一路”  高质量发展  蒙古国  投资
The New Situation and Advance Path of High-quality Development of China’s Investment in Mongolia—Based on the Belt and Road Initiative
Abstract:Mongolia is an important neighbor of China and an important node country along the Belt and Road Initiative. As the Belt and Road construction has entered a new stage, high-quality development is becoming its main goal. In recent years, the cooperation between China and Mongolia has continued to deepen and become more substantial, creating new impetus for the economic growth of the two countries, which becomes a necessary condition for promoting the high-quality development of the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. China's investment in Mongolia has the advantages of geographical proximity and deep industrial integration. But it also faces challenges such as the global economic downturn and competition in overseas infrastructure construction from major countries. Therefore, China should continue to promote new infrastructure connectivity with Mongolia,attach importance to green investment and the construction of economic cooperation zones, promote the implementation of projects that are beneficial to local people's livelihood, and strengthen policy communication and people-to-people exchanges, so as to promote mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between China and Mongolia.
keywords:the Belt and Road  high-quality development  Mongolia  investment
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