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金菲,虞幸然,粟芳 (上海财经大学 金融学院,上海 200433) 
中文关键词:媒体宣传  养老保险  三支柱  文本分析  差异分析
Analysis on the Nudge Effect and Difference of Media Propaganda on Pension Insurance
Abstract:With the help of text analysis technology, this paper constructs a media publicity index based on the big data of national and provincial official media, and analyzes its nudge effect on pension insurance. It is found that the media has a considerable difference in the level of attention they give to promoting different pillars, with less focus on the second and third pillars, especially in the central and western regions. Media publicity has an obvious nudge effect on the development of pension insurance, which can expand the scope of insurance participation, but it is limited to improve the depth of insurance participation. Therefore, the government should strengthen the media publicity of the second and third pillars, promote the balanced development of the three pillars of pension insurance, and build a solid foundation for national pension security.
keywords:media propaganda  pension insurance  three pillars  text analysis  difference analysis
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