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湛泳1,李国锋1,陈思杰2 (1.湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 4111052.上海财经大学 公共经济与管理学院上海 200000) 
中文关键词:智慧城市  居民幸福感  空气改善  医疗满意  网络参与
Will the Development of Smart Cities Enhance Residents’ Sense of Happiness?—An Empirical Analysis Based on China’s Health and Pension Tracking Survey Data
Abstract:This paper uses the 2018 China Smart City Development Level Index to investigate the impact of smart city development on residents’ happiness. It is found that the development of smart cities can significantly enhance the happiness of residents, and has a greater impact on the happiness of residents in the central and eastern regions, high-income families, and cities with strong policy support. After endogeneity treatment using “the spherical distance between the region and Hangzhou” and “the spherical distance between the region and the provincial capital” as instrumental variables, the conclusion remains robust. Mechanism analysis shows that the development of smart cities can improve residents’ happiness by improving urban air quality, improving residents’ medical satisfaction and increasing citizens' Internet participation. In view of this, we should focus on the livelihood issues of urban residents, be vigilant about the “digital divide” in the development of smart cities, narrow the gap in regional digital infrastructure, and enhance the happiness of residents.
keywords:smart city  residents’ well-being  air improvement  medical satisfaction  online participation
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