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郑彬睿 (中共海南省委党校、省行政学院、省社会主义学院 公共管理教研部海南 海口 571116) 
中文关键词:数字中国  数字治理  新质生产力  数字安全  中国式现代化
The Real Challenges, Strategic Connotations and Pathways to Achieving a Digital China
Abstract:The construction of a Digital China serves as a vital engine for advancing the Chinese modernization. Currently, the development of Digital China is still constrained by fundamental limitations, such as various constraints within the digital economy, a lagging digital governance model, persistent cross-border crises, and escalating competition among major powers. From a top-level design perspective, Digital China is instrumental in accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity, enhancing the national level of digital governance, and bolstering the national resilience in international competition, among other significant strategic implications. It is imperative to refine and perfect the national digital governance legal and policy frameworks, to strengthen the infrastructure required for digital domain development, and to augment the national leadership in digital rules to facilitate the construction of Digital China.
keywords:digital China  digital economy governance  new quality productivity  cyber security  Chinese modernization
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