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祝合良1,2,李晓婉1,王春娟3,4 (1.首都经济贸易大学 经济学院北京 100070 2.北京工业大学 经济与管理学院北京 1001243.清华大学 经济管理学院北京 100084 4.北京财贸职业学院 北京国际商贸中心研究基地北京 101101) 
中文关键词:统一大市场  强大国内市场  交易成本
The Mechanism and Path of Promoting the Formation of a Strong Domestic Market Through a Unified Large Market
Abstract:Promoting the formation of a strong domestic market is a major strategic deployment for the high-quality development of China's economy under the new development pattern. Building a unified market is an important measure to form a strong domestic market, and reducing transaction costs is the key to building a unified market and promoting the formation of a strong domestic market. Based on the perspective of transaction costs, the paper analyzes the mechanism of building a unified market to promote the formation of a strong domestic market from four aspects: promoting market circulation, streamlining transaction links, guaranteeing basic trading rules and cultural identity in multiple regions, and then proposes the path to building a unified market to promote the formation of a strong domestic market: (1) Accelerating the construction of a modern circulation system and promoting the Digital transformation of the circulation industry; (2) Promoting the sharing of trading platforms and creating a national unified trading platform; (3) Reducing institutional transaction costs and achieving interconnectivity in the national property rights trading market; (4) Strengthening cultural identity and forming a common concept of building a unified national market.
keywords:unified large market  strong domestic market  transaction cost
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