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郑军,邓明珠 (安徽财经大学 金融学院安徽 蚌埠 233030) 
中文关键词:普惠保险  农村人力资本投资  城乡居民收入  共同富裕
Inclusive Insurance, Rural Human Capital Investment and Urban and Rural Income Gap
Abstract:Based on Cobb Douglas production function model and other theories, using intermediary effect model and other methods, the panel data of 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) from 2012 to 2021 were used to analyze the impact of inclusive insurance on rural human capital investment and urban-rural income gap. The results show that rural human capital investment has an intermediary effect in narrowing the urban-rural income gap by inclusive insurance; In areas with low education level and rural human capital investment level, inclusive insurance is more conducive to narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas. Therefore, we should give full play to the advantages of inclusive insurance and narrow the gap between urban and rural income in an orderly manner according to local conditions.
keywords:inclusive insurance  rural human capital investment  income of urban and rural residents  common prosperity
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