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于文广1,何畏1,黄玉娟2 (1. 山东财经大学 保险学院山东 济南 250014 2. 山东交通学院 理学院山东 济南 250357) 
中文关键词:城镇职工养老保险  延迟退休  政策优化  养老金收支平衡
Study on Incentive Policies for Delayed Retirement from the Perspective of Pension Balance
Abstract:Based on the prediction of urban population structure, an actuarial model is constructed to calculate the balance of pension income and expenditure in various situations, and two optimization policies are designed. The relationship between the implementation intensity of different optimization policies and the effect of delayed retirement implementation is studied, and the impact of the two policies on the balance of pension income and expenditure is calculated. The results show that both optimization policies have a positive effect on promoting the delayed retirement process, but there are differences in their impact on the balance of pension income and expenditure. Based on this, it is recommended to implement the delayed retirement policy as soon as possible and increase relevant supporting incentive policies; Implement different income and expenditure policy optimizations based on the fiscal revenue and expenditure situation and the degree of aging.
keywords:pension insurance for urban employees  delayed retirement  policy optimization  balance of pension income and expenditure
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