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王增文1,李晓琳1,吴健2,罗佩玲1 (1.武汉大学 政治与公共管理学院湖北 武汉 430072 2.南京医科大学 医政学院江苏 南京 211166) 
中文关键词:灵活就业  世代交叠模型  缴费基数  养老保险
How Can Urban Workers’ Pension Insurance Be Expanded to Flexi-Employed Persons?—Based on the Perspective of Sustainability and Equity of the Pension System and Equity of the Pension System
Abstract:The OLG model and the actuarial model of pension insurance are constructed to examine the sustainability of the pension insurance fund for urban workers and the level of pension benefits for flexi-employed persons under different expansion programs. In the short term, the faster the pension system covers flexi-employed persons, the more sustainable the pension fund will be; Further lowering the lower limit of the contribution base would create an incentive for flexi-employed persons to contribute without worsening the sustainability of the pension fund, however, in the long run, it will reduce the level of pension benefits for flexi-employed persons. Therefore, the lower limit of the contribution base can be dynamically adjusted according to the speed of expansion of the pension insurance fund for urban workers, and priority can be given to promoting the participation of young flexi-employed persons who have reached the standard of contribution ability.
keywords:flexible employment  OLG model  contribution base  pension insurance
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