摘要点击次数: 1983
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任宇新,吴艳,伍喆 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:金融集聚  新质生产力  产学研合作  评价指标体系
Financial Agglomeration, Industry-University Research Cooperation, and New Quality Productivity
Abstract:Based on panel data from 30 provinces (regions or cities) in China from 2013 to 2022, a regional new quality productivity evaluation index system is constructed from three dimensions: workers, labor materials, and labor objects. The entropy weight TOPSIS method is used to measure the development level of regional new quality productivity, and the interactive relationship between financial agglomeration, industry-university research cooperation, and new quality productivity is analyzed through a two-way fixed effect model and an intermediary effect model. The results show that financial agglomeration can promote the improvement of new quality productivity and exhibit regional heterogeneity characteristics; industry-university research cooperation plays a partial mediating role in the impact of financial agglomeration on new quality productivity. In view of this, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of financial agglomeration, accelerate the standardization and networking of industry-university research cooperation, and provide decision-making reference for supporting the development of regional new productive forces.
keywords:financial agglomeration  new quality productive forces  industry university research cooperation  evaluation indicator system
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