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王仁曾,郭峰,庄旭东 (华南理工大学 经济与金融学院广东 广州 510006) 
中文关键词:大型科技公司  金融科技  信用风险  银行负债结构
Research on Big Tech Financial Innovation and Credit Risk of Commercial Banks
Abstract:This paper gives a theoretical deduction by static model, and then empirically tests the impact of FinTech innovation of Big Tech on the credit risk bearing level of China's commercial banks. The paper finds that the Big Tech companies improved the convenience of financial products through FinTech means, diverted the deposit business of commercial banks, weakened the “franchise value” of banks, and promoted the credit risk bearing level of commercial banks; the impact of FinTech innovation of Big Tech on bank credit risk has scale effect and urban-rural heterogeneity, which mainly comes from the different effect caused by FinTech innovation of Big Tech on bank deposit diversion, and the differences in the behavior of banks with different scales and urban-rural attributes are not the reason for the heterogeneous impact. In view of this, for the planning of financial technology development, it is necessary to establish appropriate firewalls to prevent the cross-market and cross-departmental transmission of financial risks caused by fintech-related formats.
keywords:Big Tech  financial technology  credit risk  bank liability structure
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