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龙海明,闫文哲,刘浩源 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410079) 
中文关键词:数字金融  老年家庭  家庭金融健康
Research on the Impact of Digital Financial Development on the Financial Health of the Elderly Households
Abstract:Based on macro and micro matching data, the study empirically examines the extent of the impact of digital financial development on the financial health of the elderly households and its mechanism of action from the perspective of multidimensional digital divide. The study finds that the financial health level of the elderly households has the distribution characteristics of being “high in the east region, low in the middle and west region, and high in the towns and low in the countryside”; digital financial development can effectively improve the financial health of the elderly households, and the mechanism test shows that the digital financial development can alleviate the constraints of financing, optimize the ability of risk identification, and improve the convenience of financial operations. Further analysis reveals that digital financial development has demonstrated certain inclusive characteristics, but has not yet broken the spatial limitations, and has only had a more significant effect on the financial health of developed Internet areas such as towns and cities, as well as on the financial health of non-poor households with a higher level of human capital, which fully reflects the urgency of bridging the digital divide of the elderly households.
keywords:digital finance  elderly household  household financial health
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