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李泽广,黄远标 (南开大学 金融学院天津 300350) 
中文关键词:气候风险  信贷可得性  银行信贷  工业企业
Exogenous Climate Shock and the Financial Accelerator Effect in Loan Financing
Abstract:Based on the Chinese industrial enterprise database from 2004 to 2013, a unique climate risk indicator was constructed to examine the influencing mechanisms of climate shocks on corporate loan financing. The results show that exogenous climate risk shocks can cause corporate loan financing to be confronted with “financial accelerator” effect, significantly inhibiting corporate loan financing, especially for those enterprises heavily dependent on bank credit. Mechanism analyses suggest that climate risk suppresses corporate loan financing mainly through the channels of lower industrial output and sales revenues, as well as accelerated collateral depreciation. Heterogeneity analysis further showed that there are ownership and industry-specific heterogeneity in the impact of climate risk, while financial deepening can help alleviate its negative consequences. In view of this, policymakers should pay full attention to the “financial accelerator” effect, actively help enterprises to enhance their capability in dealing with climate risks and optimize the financial structure to create a more favorable financing environment for enterprises.
keywords:climate risk  credit availability  bank credit  industrial enterprise
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