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李瀚琰1,2 (1.上海立信会计金融学院 法学院上海 2012092.华东政法大学 博士后流动站上海 200042) 
中文关键词:数字人民币试点  个人信息保护  法律监管  金融创新
Legal Supervision of Personal Information in the Digital RMB Pilot Program
Abstract:Since the People’s Bank of China launched the pilot work of digital RMB in mid-2021, under the joint action of technological innovation and market demand, the digitalization of legal tender will have an important impact on China's financial system and settlement system. However, while improving transaction efficiency, saving transaction costs and promoting the internationalization of RMB, it also produces financial risks such as personal information leakage, such as the risk of information leakage and power abuse of the regulatory layer, the risk of information processing of the trading layer, and the risk of transaction information leakage and secondary infringement of the application layer. Financial supervision has always been the core way to prevent financial risks, which can effectively make up for the shortage of supply system in laws and regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to timely improve the legislation at the institutional level, adopt advanced regulatory scientific and technological means, and improve the informed consent rules, so as to provide a good institutional reference and practical basis for the national level.
keywords:digital RMB pilot program  personal information protection  legal supervision  financial innovation
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