引用本文:赵 驰,吴 萱.贸易自由化对异质性企业技术创新的影响研究[J].财经理论与实践,2024,(1):111-118
摘要点击次数: 210
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赵 驰,吴 萱 (东南大学 经济管理学院江苏 南京 210096) 
中文关键词:贸易自由化  异质性企业  技术溢出  技术创新
Research on the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Heterogeneous Enterprise Technological Innovation
Abstract:This paper explores the impact of trade liberalization and the heterogeneous characteristics on resource allocation and innovation within enterprises in line with the new heterogeneous trade theory. The results show that trade liberalization can affect enterprise technological innovation through technology spill-over effects and market effects, and enhance the innovation performance of industrial enterprises in China. Based on the internal and external heterogeneity of enterprises, it is found that there is a close relationship between trade liberalization and enterprises’ technological innovation performance. Large state-owned enterprises in the eastern region benefit from technology spill-over effects and have significant technological innovation improvements. In view of this, it is necessary to fully consider the impact of trade liberalization on heterogeneous enterprises, improve enterprise productivity, reduce entry barriers, and optimize market structure.
keywords:trade liberalization  heterogeneous enterprise  technology spill-over  technological innovation
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