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黄丽君 (云南财经大学 财政与公共管理学院云南 昆明 650221) 
中文关键词:数字经济  税收治理  纳税人自然系统  数智化
Research on Tax Governance Embedded in Taxpayer’s Natural System under Digital Economy
Abstract:The development of the digital economy has triggered a strong demand for tax governance reform. The innovative design of tax governance embedded in the taxpayer's natural system provides a feasible paradigm for the digital and intelligent transformation of tax governance with immediate tax collection and management, intangible tax procedures, highly accessible tax services, co-governance cooperation, and intelligent tax management, which can effectively solve the structural and procedural constraints of the traditional tax management process, seamlessly link daily behavior with tax collection and payment activities, thus reducing the cost of tax collection and improving tax governance efficiency.
keywords:digital economy  tax governance  taxpayer’s natural system  digital intelligence
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