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金双华,王静雅 (东北财经大学 财政税务学院辽宁 大连 116012) 
中文关键词:住房公积金制度  住房财富不平等  再分配效应  基于回归的不平等分解
Analysis of the Effect of Differences in Housing Provident Fund Use on Housing Wealth Inequality—An Empirical Study Based on CHFS Data
Abstract:The housing provident fund system has a strong mediating effect on housing wealth accumulation, and its redistributive mechanism has a significant impact on the level of housing wealth. Combining the data from the China Household Finance Survey and introducing structural equation modeling and inequality regression decomposition, a systematic study of the impact paths finds that China's housing provident fund system has a stable positive moderating effect on the accumulation of housing wealth in high income and high social status groups, and contributes to housing wealth inequality at a higher level. According to the negative feedback loop mechanism of Inter-generational transfer payments and distributional differences of the provident fund, this inequality is far from reaching its maximum impact. In the future, through policy adjustment and structural optimization, there is still huge room for improvement in the fairness of the provident fund system and wealth distribution.
keywords:housing fund system  housing wealth inequality  redistribution effect  regression-based inequality decomposition
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