引用本文:李一花1,2,乔 栋3.债务置换改善了地方政府债务可持续性吗?[J].财经理论与实践,2024,(1):48-57
摘要点击次数: 201
全文下载次数: 121
李一花1,2,乔 栋3 (1. 山东大学 经济学院山东 济南 250100 2. 山东大学 国家治理研究院山东 济南 250100 3. 临沂大学 商学院山东 临沂 276000) 
中文关键词:债务置换  债务可持续性  地方政府债务  债务风险  隐性债务
Does Debt Replacement Improve Subnational Government Debt Sustainability?
Abstract:The impact of debt replacement implemented after 2015 on subnational government debt sustainability is worth paying attention to. This paper takes debt replacement as a quasi-natural experiment, taking 285 cities from 2008 to 2020 as a sample to test the impact of debt replacement on debt sustainability. It is found that debt replacement has a dual adverse effect on implicit debt and economic growth. First, debt replacement reduces the debt interest burden and lengthens the debt maturity. Although the liquidity risk is alleviated, the debt replacement contributes to the moral hazard of subnational governments and strengthens the rescue expectations of financial institutions, resulting in the continued increase of implicit debts, which is generally not conducive to debt sustainability. Second, debt replacement has a significant crowding out effect, and at the same time reduces the efficiency of subnational government debt expenditure, damages economic growth, and is also detrimental to debt sustainability. In view of this, it is necessary to focus on preventing the negative effects of debt replacement in order to improve the effectiveness of subnational government debt governance.
keywords:debt replacement  debt sustainability  subnational government debt  debt risk  implicit debt
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