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张长海1,耿歆雨1,王帅旗2 (1.海南大学 国际商学院海南 海口 5702282.天健会计师事务所浙江 杭州 310000) 
中文关键词:货币政策  劳动投资效率  会计稳健性  自由现金流量
Research on the Influence of Monetary Policy on Firms’ Labor Investment Efficiency
Abstract:Based on the data of A-share listed companies in China from 2010 to 2020, this paper explores the relationship between monetary policy and the efficiency of corporate labor investment. It is found that the efficiency of corporate labor investment increases significantly when monetary policy is tight, and the improvement of accounting robustness and the decrease of free cash flow are the main mechanisms of action of tight monetary policy affecting the efficiency of corporate labor investment. Further research finds that a higher quality level of corporate governance will dampen the impact of tight monetary policy on the efficiency of corporate labor investments. The results of the inefficient labor investment subgroup test indicate that the promotional effect of tight monetary policy on the efficiency of corporate labor investment is more likely to be manifested as a disincentive to over-invest in labor.
keywords:monetary policy  labor investment efficiency  accounting robustness  free cash flow
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