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吴子熙 (郑州大学 法学院河南 郑州 450000) 
中文关键词:数字金融  监管创新  理论逻辑  演化博弈  法经济学
Law and Economic Research on Digital Financial Regulatory Innovation
Abstract:Based on the relevant theories of law and economics, we explore the theoretical logic of digital financial regulatory innovation, and use the evolutionary game analysis method used in law and economics to conduct a three-party evolutionary game and stability strategy analysis on regulatory agencies, digital financial platforms, and consumers, considering the innovation from three aspects: innovation in regulatory ideas by clarifing the driving role of supervision in the healthy and orderly development of digital finance; innovation in supervision mechanisms by exploring and improving experimental supervision mechanisms to achieve early intervention of supervision; innovation in supervision methods by making full use of regulatory technology to rationalize regulatory incentives at different stages.
keywords:digital finance  regulatory innovation  theoretical logic  evolutionary game  law and economics
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