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龙海明,程谟怡,刘子欣 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院湖南 长沙 410006) 
中文关键词:智能化发展  绿色消费  城乡融合建设  中介效应
Can Intelligent Development Promote Green Consumption?—Analysis of Intermediary Effects Based on Urban Rural Integration
Abstract:Based on panel data from 30 provinces (autonomous regions,municipalities) in China from 2012 to 2021, this study empirically tests the impact of intelligent development on green consumption, and then combines the constructed of a comprehensive index of urban-rural integration to demonstrate the intermediary role of intelligentization on green consumption. The results indicate that there is a non-linear positive correlation between the development of intelligentization and green consumption, and with the improvement of intelligentization level,intelligentization’s promoting effect on green consumption shows a trend of first strong and then weak; Intelligent development can promote green consumption through the path of promoting urban-rural economic and social integration, and improving population quality can enhance the promoting effect of intelligent development and promote green consumption. Therefore, while stimulating intelligent and powerful productivity, we should also use intelligent technology to enable urban and rural economic and social integration and development, open up the path of promoting green consumption, and take the Chinese path to modernization green development path of harmonious coexistence of people and nature.
keywords:intelligent development  green consumption  urban-rural integration construction  intermediary effect
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