引用本文:王 频,陈云良.存款保险早期纠正受阻的影响维度与法律规制路径——基于利益相关者的扎根理论研究[J].财经理论与实践,2023,(5):33-40
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王 频,陈云良 (中南大学 法学院,湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:存款保险早期纠正受阻  影响维度  法律规制  利益相关者  扎根理论
Impact Dimensions and Legal Regulatory Path of Blocked Prompt Corrective Action in Deposit Insurance —Research of Stakeholders Based on the Grounded Theory
Abstract:Based on the grounded theory, a sample of interviews was analyzed through Nvivo12 analysis software.These interview samples came from commercial banks, People’s Bank of China, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Deposit Insurance Fund Management Co., Ltd. and other early correction stakeholders of deposit insurance, in order to consider the impact dimension of blocked Prompt Corrective Action of deposit insurance. The results show that there is a theoretical model of "system-subject-mechanism-environment" for blocked Prompt Corrective Action of deposit insurance. In view of this, we should rely on the institutional paradigm of soft law + hard law, the means paradigm of public law + private law, and the procedural paradigm of process + result, to implement a systematic legal regulation of dual channels, dual scenarios and dual spaces for the early correction of deposit insurance.
keywords:blocked prompt corrective action of deposit insurance  impact dimension  legal regulatory paths  stakeholders  Grounded Theory
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