引用本文:虞幸然,粟 芳.人口迁移对养老金缺口的影响分析[J].财经理论与实践,2023,(5):26-32
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虞幸然,粟 芳 (上海财经大学 金融学院上海 200433) 
中文关键词:人口老龄化  净迁移率  养老金缺口
Analysis of the Impact of Population Migration on Pension Balance
Abstract:Constructing a three-sector generation overlapping model based on the pay-as-you-go system and conducting simulation analysis based on real data to discuss the change of net migration rate and its impact on pension income and expenditure under different time spans. The results show that an increase in net population inflow would lead to an increase in both income and expenditure in pension pooling accounts and personal accounts. In the short run, the net inflow of population will narrow the pension gap and form a certain pension surplus. But in the long run, net population inflows widen the pension gap further. Therefore, it is not advisable for local governments to solve the pension problem quickly by attracting migrants.
keywords:population aging  net migration  pension gap
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