引用本文:鞠 方,阿月荷,白怡颖.“房住不炒”下地方政府、开发商与投机者的博弈研究[J].财经理论与实践,2023,(4):121-128
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鞠 方,阿月荷,白怡颖 (湘潭大学 商学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:房住不炒  三方演化博弈  演化稳定策略
A Game Study on Local Governments, Developers, and Speculators under the Concept of “Houses for Living and Not for Investment”
Abstract:By constructing a tripartite evolutionary game model of local government, developers and speculators, this paper analyzes the decision-making behavior and evolutionary stable equilibrium of each subject under the condition of “houses for living and not for investment” based on Matlab simulation. The results show that when local governments choose “active regulation”, developers choose “original price or price reduction” and speculators choose “wait and see”, it is conducive to the realization of evolutionary stability strategy; Under the current pilot tax rate of real estate tax, the effect of regulation and control policies has not reached expectations; The implementation cost of regulation, the rent-seeking cost of developers and the expectation of speculators' house prices will significantly affect the strategic choice of each subject. In view of this, we should take into account the needs of various interests under the principle of “houses for living and not for investment”, and promote the realization of the regulatory objectives by deepening real estate tax reform, reducing the implementation cost of regulation.
keywords:houses for living and not for investment  tripartite evolutionary game  evolutionary stability strategy
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