引用本文:匡 凯,刘辛夷.功能主义视角下所有权担保的实现路径及价值冲突消解[J].财经理论与实践,2023,(3):148-153
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匡 凯,刘辛夷 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙 410012) 
中文关键词:所有权担保  功能主义  形式主义  统一登记
The Realization and Value Conflict Dissolution of Title Guarantee: A Functionalist Perspective
Abstract:There are two paths for the realization of title guarantee: formalism and functionalism, among which functionalism adopts the path of realization of guarantee procedure, which is the true intention of both parties, which is beneficial to the interests of both creditors and debtors, and is also conducive to maintaining the stability of the guarantee relationship. In practice, the path chosen by the parties should be followed first; if the negotiation fails, the court will then decide to adopt the security procedure; in bankruptcy cases, the judge can adopt Article 109 of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law for adjudication when facing different claims from the original defendant. The progress of registration technology and the development of the registration system can effectively make up for the efficiency defects of functionalism.
keywords:title guarantee  functionalism  formalism  uniform registration
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