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夏晓丽1,2 (1.陕西师范大学 马克思主义学院,陕西 西安 710119
2.青海师范大学 高原科学与可持续发展研究院,青海 西宁 810016) 
中文关键词:市场响应  资源拼凑  惯例复制  新产品开发绩效
A Study of the Effects of Market Response and Resource Pooling on New Product Development Performance--The dual moderating effect of practice replication
Abstract:Based on the empirical data of 298 Chinese firms, we investigate the relationship between market response and new product development performance, and analyze the mediating effect and the moderating effect of external factors in this influence mechanism. The results of the empirical study show that: market response has a significant positive effect on new product development performance; market response has a significant positive effect on resource pooling; resource pooling has a significant positive effect on new product development performance; resource pooling has a mediating role in the effect of market response on new product development performance; practice replication positively moderates the effect of market response on new product development performance; practice replication positively moderates the effect of market response on new product development performance; and practice replication positively moderates the effect of market response on new product development performance. The relationship between market response and new product development performance was mediated by practice replication, and the relationship between resource pooling and new product development performance was positively mediated by practice replication.
keywords:market response  resource pooling  practice replication  new product development performance
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