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金朝榜,胡启忠 (西南财经大学 法学院,四川 成都 610000) 
中文关键词:裂变营销  传销违法  传销犯罪  想象竞合
Fission Marketing Attributes:Innovation, Illegal and MLM Crimes
Abstract:Under the background of the Internet economy, the MLM model has changed. For the identification of fission marketing attributes, through the substantial interpretation of illegal MLM, Illegal MLM is limited to two types: “member induction + multi-level” and “membership fees + multi-level”. At the same time, the difference between illegal MLM and MLM crimes should be noted. Between the crime of fund-raising, the crime of fraud and MLM crimes, the criminal law should realize a comprehensive evaluation and choose heavy punishment.
keywords:fission marketing  illegal MLM  MLM crime  Imaginative joinder of offenses
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